Daily Archives: Monday, March 13, 2017

Dolgushin Classical Ballet School                               Школа Классического Балета им. Н.А. Долгушина

Photographer Mark Olich Марк Олич

Backstage, Dolgushin Classical Ballet School Школа Классического Балета им. Н.А. Долгушина”, Hermitage Theatre Эрмитажный театр, Saint Petersburg, Russia (2017)

Note: Original quality of photographs may be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted

Source and more info at:
Photographer Mark Olich on 500px
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Photographer Mark Olich on Photo Sight
Photographer Mark Olich on Yellow Korner
Photographer Mark Olich on The Russian Union of Art Photographers

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Posted by on Monday, March 13, 2017 in Unique


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Jurgita Dronina and Fabien Voranger

© Vladimir Cherenkov Владимир Черенков

Jurgita Dronina Юргита Дронина (Het Nationale Ballet) and Fabien Voranger (Dresden SemperOper Ballett), “A Sweet Spell of Oblivion” choreography by David Dawson, music by Johann Sebastian Bach, costume by Yumiko Takeshima, Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, 2013 Dance Open Ballet Festival, Saint Petersburg, Russia

World Première on April 14, 2007 by Royal Ballet of Flanders at Theatre Eilandje in Antwerp, Belgium

Source and more info at:
Photographer Vladimir Cherenkov on 500px
Photographer Vladimir Cherenkov on Facebook
Photographer Vladimir Cherenkov on VKontakte

David Dawson Website
David Dawson on Twitter
David Dawson on Facebook
David Dawson on Instagram

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Posted by on Monday, March 13, 2017 in Unique


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