“Petite Mort”, Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève

16 Apr
Madeline Wong and Geoffrey Van Dyck – Photographer Gregory Batardon
Sara Shigenari and Juan Pérez – Photographer Gregory Batardon
Yumi Aizawa and Simone Repele – Photographer Gregory Batardon

Madeline Wong, Sara Shigenari, Yumi Aizawa, Geoffrey Van Dyck, Juan Pérez and Simone Repele, “Petite Mort”, choreography by Jiří Kylián, music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Piano Concerto in A Major (Adagio), Piano Concerto in C Major (Andante)], costumes by Joke Visser, Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

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