Alina Kaicheva and Алина Каичева

18 Jan
Photographer Vladimir Sazonov Владимир Сазонов

Alina Kaicheva Алина Каичева, “Swan Lake – Лебединое озеро”, libretto by Vladimir Begichev Владимир Бегичев and Vasily Geltser Василий Гельцер, choreography by Andrey Petrov Андрей Петров, Marius Petipa, Lev Ivanov Лев Иванов and Konstantin Sergeev Константин Сергеев, music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky Пётр Чайковский, costume design by Olga Polyanskaya Ольга Полянская, The Kremlin Ballet Кремлевский балет, The Great Hall of the State Kremlin Palace Большой зал Государственного Кремлёвского Дворца, Moscow, Russia.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted

Source and more info at:
The State Kremlin Palace Website
The State Kremlin Palace on Twitter
The State Kremlin Palace on You Tube
The State Kremlin Palace on Facebook
The State Kremlin Palace on Instagram
The State Kremlin Palace on Periscope
The State Kremlin Palace on VKontakte
The State Kremlin Palace on Odnoklassniki

Kremlin Ballet on Instagram (Fan Page)

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Posted by on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 in Unique


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