Liudmila Khitrova Людмила Хитрова

04 Jul
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok Павел Сущёнок

Liudmila Khitrova Людмила Хитрова as “Juliet”, Romeo and Juliet Ромео и Джульетта”, music by Sergei Prokofiev Сергей Прокофьев, libretto by Valentin Elizariev Валентин Елизарьев, based on the romantic tragedy of the same name by William Shakespeare, choreography and stage by Valentin Elizariev Валентин Елизарьев, design by Ernst Heidebrecht, Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus Большой театр Беларуси,  Opierny Teatr Opera and Ballet Theatre, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

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