Alena Kovaleva and Xander Parish

28 Feb
Photographer Elena Pushkina Елена Пушкина

Alena Kovaleva Алена Ковалева (Bolshoi Ballet) and Xander Parish (Mariinsky Ballet), “Diamonds”, choreography by George Balanchine, music by Igor Stravinsky Игорь Стравинский (Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra), costume design by Elena Zaitseva Елена Зайцева. From “Jewels” (“Rubies”, “Emeralds” and “Diamonds”), Gala Concert of Ballet Stars “Maris Liepa. With Love”, Great Hall of the State Kremlin Palace Большой зал Государственного Кремлёвского Дворца, Moscow, Russia (December 1, 2019).

On Video (1080p HD)

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Posted by on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 in Unique


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