Marian Walter

12 Oct
© Nikolay Krusser
Photographer Nikolay Krusser Николай Круссер

Marian Walter (Staatsballett Berlin), “Lacrimosa”, choreo by Edward Stierle, music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (“Requiem” in D minor, K. 626), 2013 Savonlinna Dance Open Ballet Festival, Olavinlinna Castle, Savonlinna, Finland (July).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Facebook
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Facebook (page)
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Instagram
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on VKontakte
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Fine Art America

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Posted by on Thursday, October 12, 2023 in Unique


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