Diana Vishneva Диана Вишнёва

04 Feb
© Irina Tuminene
Photographer Irina Tuminene Ирина Туминене

Diana Vishneva Диана Вишнёва as “Carmen”, Carmen, music by Georges Bizet, libretto by Roland Petit based on the novel of the same name by Prosper Mérimée, choreo by Roland Petit, set design and costume by Antoni Clavé, lighting design by Roland Petit, with dancers of Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre (Novat) Новосибирский Государственный Академический Театр Оперы и Балета (Hobat), 2014 Igor Zelensky Gala, Mariinsky Theatre Мариинский театр, Saint Petersburg, Russia (July 15, 2014).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

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Posted by on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Unique


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