Elena Lyskova Елена Лысковa

04 Feb
Photographer Tania Kholkina Таня Холкина

Elena Lyskova Елена Лыскова “Variation” from Raymonda Раймонда”, libretto by Lidia Pashkova Лидия Пашкова and Marius Petipa based on a medieval legend, choreo by Marius Petipa (1898) revised version by Konstantin Sergeev Константина Сергеев, (1948) with choreo fragments by Fyodor Lopukhov Фёдор Лопухов, music by Aleksandr Glazunov Александр Глазунов, set and costume design by Simon Virsaladze Симон Вирсаладзе, Mariinsky Ballet Мариинский театр, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Tania Kholkina on Facebook
Photographer Tania Kholkina on Instagram

Elena Lyskova on Instagram

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Posted by on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Unique


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