Erika Mikirticheva Эрика Микиртичева

29 Jun
Photographer Aleksandr Filkine Александр Филькин

Erika Mikirticheva Эрика Микиртичева as “Giselle”, Giselle Жизель”, music by Adolphe Adam, choreo by Laurent Hilaire, Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa, set and costume design by Vladimir Arefiev Владимир Арефьев, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre (Stanmus) Музыкального театра им. К.С. Станиславского и Вл.И. Немировича-Данченко (MAMT), Moscow, Russia (June 6, 2024).

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Source and more info at:
Photographer Aleksandr Filkine on Flickr
Photographer Aleksandr Filkine on 35Photo
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Photographer Aleksandr Filkine on VKontakte

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Posted by on Saturday, June 29, 2024 in Unique


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