Tag Archives: Светлый Pучей

Prisca Zeisel and Nikita Tchetverikov

Photographer Stas Levshin Стас Левшин

Prisca Zeisel as “Zina” and Nikita Tchetverikov Никита Четвериков as “Pyotr”, The Bright Stream Светлый Pучей”, choreo by Aleksandr Omar Александр Омар, libretto by Adrian Piotrovsky Адриан Пиотровский and Fyodor Lopukhov Фёдор Лопухов, stage version of the libretto by Aleksandr Omar Александр Омар, music by Dmitry Shostakovich Дмитрий Шостакович, stage and costume design by Vyacheslav Okunev Вячеслав Окунев, Mikhailovsky Ballet Михайловский театр, Saint Petersburg, Russia (November 25, 2023).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Mikhailovsky Ballet Website
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Twitter (english)
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Twitter (russian)
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Telegram
Mikhailovsky Ballet on You Tube
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Facebook
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Instagram
Mikhailovsky Ballet on VKontakte (official community)

Photographer Stas Levshin on Facebook
Photographer Stas Levshin on Instagram

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Posted by on Monday, February 5, 2024 in Unique


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