Tag Archives: Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова

Amina Khalikova, Irina Sapozhnikova and Rustam Ishakov

Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков

Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова, Irina Sapozhnikova Ирина Сапожникова and Rustam Iskhakov Рустам Исхаков, “Rachmaninov. A Lifelong Symphony Рахманинов. Симфония Длиною в Жизнь”, libretto, production and costume design by Ivan Skladchikov Иван Складчиков, direction and choreo by Oleg Gabyshev Олег Габышев, music by Sergey Rachmaninoff Сергей Рахманинов, Pyotr Tchaikovsky Пётр Чайковский, Modest Mussorgsky Модест Мусоргский and Karl Czerny Карл Черни, Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирский государственный театр оперы и балета, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan (March 30, 2024).

Note I: During the investigation to gather information about the characters’ names in the ballet “Rachmaninov. A Lifelong Symphony”, unfortunately, no conclusive results have been found. It is logical to assume that the main characters are “Natalia Satina” (his wife), “Dana Dahl” (his inspiring muse) and Sergey Rachmaninov himself.

Note II: This blog is open to receiving and considering any suggestions, contributions, and/or criticisms that may help correct mistakes or improve its content. Comments are available to any visitor.

Note III: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Oleg Menkov Website
Photographer Oleg Menkov on 500px
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Vimeo
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Photographer Oleg Menkov on You Tube
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Facebook
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Instagram
Photographer Oleg Menkov on VKontakte

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Posted by on Monday, July 1, 2024 in Unique


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Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова

Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков

Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова, “Rachmaninov. A Lifelong Symphony Рахманинов. Симфония Длиною в Жизнь”, libretto, production and costume design by Ivan Skladchikov Иван Складчиков, direction and choreo by Oleg Gabyshev Олег Габышев, music by Sergey Rachmaninoff Сергей Рахманинов, Pyotr Tchaikovsky Пётр Чайковский, Modest Mussorgsky Модест Мусоргский and Karl Czerny Карл Черни, Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирский государственный театр оперы и балета, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan (March 30, 2024).

Note I: During the investigation to gather information about the characters’ names in the ballet “Rachmaninov. A Lifelong Symphony”, unfortunately, no conclusive results have been found. Despite efforts and multiple inquiries, specific details about the persons portrayed in this production have not been obtained. It is logical to assume that the main characters are “Natalia Satina” (his wife), “Dana Dahl” (his inspiring muse), and Sergey himself.

Note II: This blog is open to receiving and considering any suggestions, contributions, and/or criticisms that may help correct errors or improve its content. Comments are available to any visitor.

Note III: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the website where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Oleg Menkov Website
Photographer Oleg Menkov on 500px
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Vimeo
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Twitter
Photographer Oleg Menkov on You Tube
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Facebook
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Instagram
Photographer Oleg Menkov on VKontakte

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Posted by on Friday, June 28, 2024 in Unique


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Amina Khalikova Амина Халиковa

Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков
Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков
Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков
Photographer Oleg Menkov Олег Меньков

Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова, What the Stones are Silent About. The Light of the Extinguished Star О чём молчат камни. Свет погасшей звезды”, music by Nikolay Popov Николай Попов, libretto by Rinat Abushakhmanov Ринат Абушахманов and Nikolay Popov Николай Попов based on the Bashkir legend “Heart-Mountain” (“Yoraktau”), choreography by Rinat Abushakhmanov Ринат Абушахманов, Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирский государственный театр оперы и балета, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan (April 20, 2022).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Oleg Menkov Website
Photographer Oleg Menkov on 500px
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Vimeo
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Twitter
Photographer Oleg Menkov on You Tube
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Facebook
Photographer Oleg Menkov on Instagram


Amina Khalikova on Instagram

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Posted by on Thursday, August 11, 2022 in Unique


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Liliya Zainagabdinova and Amina Khalikova

Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin Владимир Подкользин
Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin Владимир Подкользин

Liliya Zainagabdinova Лилия Зайнигабдинова as “Juanita” and Amina Khalikova Амина Халикова as “Piccilia”, Don Quixote Дон Кихот”, libretto by Marius Petipa based on the novel “El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha” (“The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha”) by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), music by Ludwig Minkus, choreography by Yuri Grigorovich Юрий Григорович after Alexander Gorsky Александр Горский and Marius Petipa, costume and set design by Valery Leventhal Валерий Левенталь, Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирский государственный театр оперы и балета, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin on Facebook
Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin on Facebook (page)
Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin on Instagram
Photographer Vladimir Podkolzin on VKontakte

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Posted by on Friday, April 1, 2022 in Unique


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