Tag Archives: Dmitry Pimonov Дмитрий Пимонов

Irina Perren and Marat Shemiunov

Irina Perren Ирина Перрен and Marat Shemiunov Марат Шемиунов (Mikhailovsky Ballet Михайловский театр), “Je Suis Malade”, choreography by Dmitry Pimonov Дмитрий Пимонов, music by Alice Dona and lyrics by Serge Lama [“Je suis malade” (“I am sick”)], 2013 Savonlinna Dance Open Ballet Festival, Olavinlinna Castle, Savonlinna, Finland (July 2013).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographs courtesy of Jack Devant under Attribution + Noncommercial 3.0
Photographer Jack Devant Website
Photographer Jack Devant on Flickr
Photographer Jack Devant on 500px
Photographer Jack Devant on Twitter
Photographer Jack Devant on Tumblr
Photographer Jack Devant on Pixwox
Photographer Jack Devant on LinkedIn
Photographer Jack Devant on Pinterest
Photographer Jack Devant on Facebook
Photographer Jack Devant on Instagram
Photographer Jack Devant on VKontakte

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Posted by on Monday, July 4, 2022 in Photo Galleries


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Irina Perren and Marat Shemiunov

Photographer Irina Tuminene Ирина Туминене

Irina Perren Ирина Перрен and Marat Shemiunov Марат Шемиунов (Mikhailovsky Ballet Михайловский театр), “Je Suis Malade”, choreography by Dmitry Pimonov Дмитрий Пимонов, music by Alice Dona and lyrics by Serge Lama [“Je suis malade” (“I am sick”)], 2013 Dance Open Ballet Festival Vilnius, Lithuania.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Irina Tuminene on 500px
Photographer Irina Tuminene on LinkedIn
Photographer Irina Tuminene on Facebook
Photographer Irina Tuminene on Facebook (page)
Photographer Irina Tuminene on Instagram
Photographer Irina Tuminene on VKontakte

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Posted by on Monday, March 22, 2021 in Unique


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Irina Perren and Marat Shemiunov

(no info about photographer)

(no info about photographer)

(no info about photographer)

Irina Perren Ирина Перрен and Marat Shemiunov Марат Шемиунов (Mikhailovsky Ballet Михайловский театр), “Je Suis Malade”, choreography by Dmitry Pimonov Дмитрий Пимонов, music by Alice Dona and Serge Lama, 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games Ballet Gala, Sochi, Russia (February 2014).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Mikhailovsky Ballet Website
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Twitter (english)
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Twitter (russian)
Mikhailovsky Ballet on You Tube
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Facebook
Mikhailovsky Ballet on Instagram
Mikhailovsky Ballet on VKontakte (official community)

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Posted by on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 in Unique


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Irina Perren and Marat Shemiunov

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

© Alain Hanel

Irina Perren Ирина Перрен and Marat Shemiunov Марат Шемиунов (Mikhailovsky Ballet), “Je Suis Malade” (rehearsal and performing) choreography by Dmitry Pimonov, music by Alice Dona and Serge Lama, 2015 Gala Russe, les Etoiles des Ballets Russes, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Alain Hanel on Wix
Photographer Alain Hanel on Twitter
Photographer Alain Hanel on Tumblr
Photographer Alain Hanel on Google+
Photographer Alain Hanel on You Tube
Photographer Alain Hanel on Facebook
Photographer Alain Hanel on Instagram
Photographer Alain Hanel on Network Dance

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Posted by on Friday, July 15, 2016 in Unique


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