Tag Archives: Leon

Marianna Chebykina and Sergey Volobuev

Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok Павел Сущёнок
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok Павел Сущёнок

Marianna Chebykina Марианна Чебыкина as “Gala” and Sergey Volobuev Сергей Волобуев as “Leon”, “The Pygmalion Effect Эффект Пигмалиона”, choreography by Boris Eifman Борис Эйфман, music by Johann Strauss II, set by Zinovy Margolin Зиновий Марголин, costume by Olga Shaishmelashvili Ольга Шаишмелашвили, lighting by Alexander Sivaev Александр Сиваев and Boris Eifman Борис Эйфман, Eifman Ballet Театр балета Бориса Эйфман, 2022 Bolshoi Belarus Ballet Summer FestivalBolshoi Theatre of Belarus Большой театр Беларуси, Opierny Teatr Opera and Ballet Theatre, Minsk, Republic of Belarus (June 7).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok on Facebook
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok on Instagram

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Posted by on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 in Unique


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Lyubov Andreyeva and Oleg Gabyshev

Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok Павел Сущёнок
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok Павел Сущёнок

Lyubov Andreyeva Любовь Андреева as “Gala” and Oleg Gabyshev Олег Габышев as “Leon”, “The Pygmalion Effect Эффект Пигмалиона”, choreography by Boris Eifman Борис Эйфман, music by Johann Strauss II, set by Zinovy Margolin Зиновий Марголин, costume by Olga Shaishmelashvili Ольга Шаишмелашвили, lighting by Alexander Sivaev Александр Сиваев and Boris Eifman Борис Эйфман, Eifman Ballet Театр балета Бориса Эйфман, 2022 Bolshoi Belarus Ballet Summer FestivalBolshoi Theatre of Belarus Большой театр Беларуси, Opierny Teatr Opera and Ballet Theatre, Minsk, Republic of Belarus (June 8).

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok on Facebook
Photographer Pawel Suschtschönok on Instagram

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Posted by on Saturday, July 2, 2022 in Unique


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