Tag Archives: Victoria Zaripova Виктория Зарипова

Victoria Zaripova Виктория Зарипова

Photographer Nikolay Krusser Николай Круссе

Photographer Nikolay Krusser Николай Круссе

Photographer Nikolay Krusser Николай Круссе

Victoria Zaripova Виктория Зарипова, “Multiplicity. Forms of Silence and Emptiness”, choreography, staging and costumes by Nacho Duato, music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Mikhailovsky Ballet Михайловский театр, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Note: Original quality of photographs might be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted.

Source and more info at:
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Facebook
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Facebook (page)
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Instagram
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on VKontakte
Photographer Nikolay Krusser on Fine Art America

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Posted by on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 in Unique


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